Bear a Better Beard and Keep it Kissable. Hint: Natural Beard Oil Helps

Beards have fallen in and out of popularity throughout the 2000s. Some years they’re “in” and some years they’re “out”; it’s honestly hard to keep track! Regardless, we’ve broken the stereotype that beards are unprofessional. A well-kept, soft beard certainly has its place in the workplace, but keeping it that way is easier said than done. We’ve all seen beards across the tameness spectrum, ranging from ridiculously unkempt to meticulously neat and for the later we may have even asked ourselves, what is their secret? Beard care and maintenance certainly differs from man to man, but we have a few suggestions on keeping your scruff soft:
  1. Be Patient: Growing a beard is hard work and you’re not going to wake up
    one day with perfect facial hair. But we all know that we have to work hard for what we want. Growing a nice beard takes stamina; you have to resist the urge to trim and shave (especially during the beginning stages), despite the itchiness. However, it’s never too early to start moisturizing. Our line of Beard Oils isn’t tough on skin and actually works to maintain and strengthen its natural moisture barrier. Moisturizing during the growth process makes everything a little bit less scruffy and a lot easier to manage.
  1. Evaluate your face shape and beard limitations: First, just like with haircuts, different shaped beards look best with different shaped faces. While every man has the right to bear whatever shaped beard, here are a few general suggestions:
  • Square Face: Keep hair fuller on the chin, shorter on the sides. 
  • Round Face: Grow hair longer on the bottom, shorter on the sides.
  • Rectangular Face: Keep the sides fuller, and the bottom shorter.
  • Oval Face: Most styles work well.

Second, it’s important to accept your beard’s strengths and weaknesses and then embrace them. If the patchiness is real, work around it. Choose the areas you want to keep and improve and touch up the rest with a razor. Just because you have a patchy section doesn’t mean you’re doomed (especially if you keep it soft). 

  1. Maximize the transition phase: If there’s a time to take the most care of your beard, it’s during this phase. Just as your beard starts to take shape, you should be focused on keeping it clean and moisturized. It’s almost like laying down a strong foundation before you begin construction on a home. If those pioneer hairs aren’t happy, the next generation won’t be either. Definitely invest in a beard wash and beard oil.
  1. Get to shaping: Once you have something substantial to work with, you can begin crafting. Since by now you’ve already familiarized yourself with the best shape beard for your face, the transition to style should be smooth. At this point, feel free to hand over the reins to a professional barber. It will just be up to you to maintain, trim, and soften. A poorly trimmed beard is a one-way ticket to unprofessional city, so remember the value of neatness.

At Ora’s Amazing Herbal, we know that growing a beard is hard work and we’re here to support you along the way! Our Beard Oil Set makes a great gift for that hard to buy for, rustic kind of bearded guy. Beautifully and simply packaged in our 100% recycled kraft gift box. Try a little variety with this 3 pack including Revive, Refresh and Unscented. Each is one ounce for convenient travel and ideal for conditioning, and softening. By adding a few drops to your beard and face, the properties of Argan, Rosehips and Jojoba oils will help you keep it kissable.